Lead type letter K

Typo­graphy and Unicode

Genea­logical signs and gender symbols


The table below lists all symbols for specifically for gender, sexual orientation and genealogy in Unicode as well as other common geneaological symbols (20 different symbols, including 3 already listed on the Special characters page; coming to 17 additional symbols in total). Other common symbols and geometrical shapes are on the Symbols page.

Unicode English Deutsch Unicode
Symbol Code
Name Comment Name Kommentar Compa­tibility Script General
Block Subhead Version
Gender Geschlecht
A 0041 Latin capital letter A Großbuchstabe A Latin Letter, uppercase Basic Latin Uppercase Latin alphabet 1.1
2640 Female sign Female. Also sign for the planet Venus. Weibliches Geschlechtssymbol Auch für Venus und Kupfer. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Astrological signs 1.1
2642 Male sign Male. Also sign for the planet Mars. Männliches Geschlechtssymbol Auch für Mars und Eisen. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Astrological signs 1.1
26A5 Male and female sign Intersexual, androgynous (was sometimes used for transgendered). Weibliches und männliches Geschlechtssymbol Intersexualität, Androgynie (früher Hermaphroditismus, Zwittertum). Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Gender symbol 4.1
26B2 Neuter Neutral, genderless. Neutrumszeichen Neutrum, Geschlechtslosigkeit. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Gender symbol 5.0
Transsexualism Transsexualität
26A7 Male with stroke and male and female sign Transsexualism. Transsexualitätszeichen Transsexualität. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Gender symbol 4.1
Sexual orientation Sexuelle Orientierung
26A4 Interlocked male and female sign Heterosexuality (confusingly also sometimes used for bisexuality). Verschlungenes weibliches und männliches Geschlechtssymbol Heterosexualität, manchmal auch für Bisexualität. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Gender symbol 4.1
26A3 Doubled male sign Male homosexuality. Zwei verschlungene männliche Geschlechtssymbole Männliche Homosexualität. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Gender symbol 4.1
26A2 Doubled female sign Lesbianism (female homosexuality). Zwei verschlungene weibliche Geschlechtssymbole Lesbianismus. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Gender symbol 4.1
⚥⚥ 2 ×
2 × “Male and female sign” Bisexuality (doubled male and female sign). Doppeltes weibliches und männliches Geschlechtssymbol Bisexualität.
26AA Medium white circle Asexuality. Hohler mittlerer Kreis, Asexualitätszeichen Asexualität. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Circles 4.1
Genealogical symbols Genealogische Symbole
* 002A Asterisk Born. Sternchen Geboren. Common Punctuation, other Basic Latin ASCII punctuation and symbols 1.1
~ 007E Tilde Baptised (waves). Wellenlinie, Tilde Getauft. Common Symbol, math Basic Latin ASCII punctuation and symbols 1.1
26AC Medium small white circle Engaged (wedding ring). Ring Verlobt. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Circles 4.1
26AD Marriage symbol Married (connected wedding rings). Verschlungene Ringe Verheiratet. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Genealogical symbols 4.1
26AE Divorce symbol Divorced (split wedding rings). Geteilte Ringe Geschieden. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Genealogical symbols 4.1
26AF Unmarried partnership symbol Unmarried partnership (unconnected wedding rings). Getrennte Ringe Außereheliche Verbindung. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Genealogical symbols 4.1
2020 Dagger Died (cross). Kreuz Gestorben. Common Punctuation, other General punctuation General punctuation 1.1
2694 Crossed swords Killed in action at war (crossed swords). Gekreuzte Schwerter Gefallen. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Dictionary and map symbols 4.1
26B0 Coffin Buried (coffin). Sarg Begraben. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Genealogical symbols 4.1
26B1 Funeral urn Cremated (funeral urn). Urne Eingeäschert. Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Genealogical symbols 4.1
Other gender symbols Andere Geschlechtssymbole
26A6 Male with stroke sign Usage unclear. Was sometimes used for transgendered. Männliches Geschlechtssymbol mit Strich Unklare Bedeutung (teilweise für Transsexualität). Common Symbol, other Miscellaneous symbols Gender symbol 4.1
Rare and combined genealogical symbols Seltene und kombinierte genealogische Zeichen
†* Cross and asterisk Stillborn. Kreuz und Sternchen Totgeburt.
*† Asterisk and cross Died on day of birth. Sternchen und Kreuz Am Tag der Geburt gestorben.
(*) Asterisk in brackets Born outside marriage. Sternchen in Klammern Außereheliche Geburt.
!! Two exclamation marks Priest, clergyman. Zwei Ausrufezeichen Pfarrer.
I ⚭ Roman numeral I and marriage symbol First marriage. Römisches Zahlzeichen I und verschlungene Ringe Erste Ehe.
II ⚭ Roman numeral II and marriage symbol Second marriage. Römisches Zahlzeichen II und verschlungene Ringe Zweite Ehe.
III ⚭ Roman numeral III and marriage symbol Third marriage. Römisches Zahlzeichen III und verschlungene Ringe Dritte Ehe.
†⚔ Cross and crossed swords Mortally wounded (in war). Kreuz und gekreuzte Schwerter Tödlich verwundet (im Kriegseinsatz).
(†) Cross in brackets Missing. Kreuz in Klammern Vermisst.
(⚔) Crossed swords in brackets Missing at war, missing in action. Gekreuzte Schwerter in Klammern Im Kriegseinsatz vermisst.
†† Two crosses This line extinct. Zwei Kreuze Diese Linie ausgestorben.