Lead type letter K

Evo­lution of the alpha­bet

Unicode and the alphabet’s family tree


Evolution of the alphabet

This family tree of alphabets shows the development of the Latin alphabet from its earliest beginnings.

Simple table

Egyptian hieroglyphs 𓃾 𓉐 𓌙 𓉿 𓀠 𓌉 𓍿 𓉗 𓎛 𓄤 𓂝 𓂧 𓋿 𓈖 𓆓 𓊽 𓁹 𓂋 𓎤 𓇑 𓎗 𓁶 𓐮 𓏴
Phoenician 𐤀 𐤁 𐤂 𐤃 𐤄 𐤅 𐤆 𐤇 𐤈 𐤉 𐤊 𐤋 𐤌 𐤍 𐤎 𐤏 𐤐 𐤑 𐤒 𐤓 𐤔 𐤕
Greek Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ϝ Υ Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Χ Ο Ω Π Ϻ Ͳ Ϙ Φ Ψ Ρ Σ Τ
Old Italic 𐌀 𐌁 𐌂 𐌃 𐌄 𐌅 𐌖 𐌆 𐌇 𐌈 𐌉 𐌊 𐌋 𐌌 𐌍 𐌎 𐌗 𐌏 𐌐 𐌑 𐌒 𐌘 𐌙 𐌓 𐌔 𐌕 𐌚
Latin A B C G D E F V Y U W Z H I J K L M N X O P Q R S T

Table with character names

Egyptian hieroglyphs 𓃾 𓉐 𓌙 𓉿 𓀠 𓌉 𓍿 𓉗 𓎛 𓄤 𓂝 𓂧 𓋿 𓈖 𓆓 𓊽 𓁹 𓂋 𓎤 𓇑 𓎗 𓁶 𓐮 𓏴
3200 BC ox head house throw stick door jubilate mace tethering rope mansion wick heart and windpipe arm hand crook water snake column eye mouth bag rush cord on stick head bow (?) crossed sticks
Phoenician 𐤀 𐤁 𐤂 𐤃 𐤄 𐤅 𐤆 𐤇 𐤈 𐤉 𐤊 𐤋 𐤌 𐤍 𐤎 𐤏 𐤐 𐤑 𐤒 𐤓 𐤔 𐤕
1050 BC alf bet gaml delt he wau zai het tet yod kaf lamd mem nun senk ain pe sade qof rosh shin tau
Greek Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ϝ Υ Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Χ Ο Ω Π Ϻ Ͳ Ϙ Φ Ψ Ρ Σ Τ
800 BC alpha beta gamma delta epsilon digamma upsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi chi omicron omega pi san sampi koppa phi psi rho sigma tau
Old Italic 𐌀 𐌁 𐌂 𐌃 𐌄 𐌅 𐌖 𐌆 𐌇 𐌈 𐌉 𐌊 𐌋 𐌌 𐌍 𐌎 𐌗 𐌏 𐌐 𐌑 𐌒 𐌘 𐌙 𐌓 𐌔 𐌕 𐌚
700 BC a be ke de e ve u ze he the i ka el em en esh eks o pe she ku phe khe er es te ef
Latin A B C G D E F V Y U W Z H I J K L M N X O P Q R S T
600 BC

The above table includes the letter name parts of the Unicode character names for Phoenician, Greek, and Old Italic. Egyptian hieroglyphs do not have a character name in Unicode as such, instead they are referred to by their Gardiner numbers, which are not shown here.

Table with character names and Unicode code points

Egyptian hieroglyphs 𓃾 𓉐 𓌙 𓉿 𓀠 𓌉 𓍿 𓉗 𓎛 𓄤 𓂝 𓂧 𓋿 𓈖 𓆓 𓊽 𓁹 𓂋 𓎤 𓇑 𓎗 𓁶 𓐮 𓏴
U+130FE U+13250 U+13319 U+1327F U+13020 U+13309 U+1337F U+13257 U+1339B U+13124 U+1309D U+130A7 U+132FF U+13216 U+13193 U+132BD U+13079 U+130BB U+130A4E U+131D1 U+13397 U+13076 U+1342E U+133F4
3200 BC ox head house throw stick door jubilate mace tethering rope mansion wick heart and windpipe arm hand crook water snake column eye mouth bag rush cord on stick head bow (?) crossed sticks
Phoenician 𐤀 𐤁 𐤂 𐤃 𐤄 𐤅 𐤆 𐤇 𐤈 𐤉 𐤊 𐤋 𐤌 𐤍 𐤎 𐤏 𐤐 𐤑 𐤒 𐤓 𐤔 𐤕
U+10900 U+10901 U+10902 U+10903 U+10904 U+10905 U+10906 U+10907 U+10908 U+10909 U+1090A U+1090B U+1090C U+1090D U+1090E U+1090F U+10910 U+10911 U+10912 U+10913 U+10914 U+10915
1050 BC alf bet gaml delt he wau zai het tet yod kaf lamd mem nun senk ain pe sade qof rosh shin tau
Greek Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ϝ Υ Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Χ Ο Ω Π Ϻ Ͳ Ϙ Φ Ψ Ρ Σ Τ
U+0391 U+0392 U+0393 U+0394 U+0395 U+03DC U+03A5 U+0396 U+0397 U+0398 U+0399 U+039A U+039B U+039C U+039D U+039E U+03A7 U+039F U+03A9 U+03A0 U+03FA U+0372 U+03D8 U+03A6 U+03A8 U+03A1 U+03A3 U+03A4
800 BC alpha beta gamma delta epsilon digamma upsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi chi omicron omega pi san sampi koppa phi psi rho sigma tau
Old Italic 𐌀 𐌁 𐌂 𐌃 𐌄 𐌅 𐌖 𐌆 𐌇 𐌈 𐌉 𐌊 𐌋 𐌌 𐌍 𐌎 𐌗 𐌏 𐌐 𐌑 𐌒 𐌘 𐌙 𐌓 𐌔 𐌕 𐌚
U+10300 U+10301 U+10302 U+10303 U+10304 U+10305 U+10316 U+10306 U+10307 U+10308 U+10309 U+1030A U+1030B U+1030C U+1030D U+1030E U+10317 U+1030F U+10310 U+10311 U+10312 U+10318 U+10319 U+10313 U+10314 U+10315 U+1031A
700 BC a be ke de e ve u ze he the i ka el em en esh eks o pe she ku phe khe er es te ef
Latin A B C G D E F V Y U W Z H I J K L M N X O P Q R S T
600 BC U+0041 U+0042 U+0043 U+0047 U+0044 U+0045 U+0046 U+0056 U+0059 U+0055 U+0057 U+005A U+0048 U+0049 U+004A U+004B U+004C U+004D U+004E U+0058 U+004F U+0050 U+0051 U+0052 U+0053 U+0054

Proto-Sinaitic (from 1700 BC), the intermediate script between Egyptian hieroglyphs and Phoenician, is unfortunately still not included in Unicode (as of Version 16.0 in 2024) and therefore not shown here. This is a severe oversight, as Proto-Sinaitic’s importance in the development of writing can hardly be overstated. It is both the earliest alphabetic writing in human history and the ancestor of nearly all alphabetic scripts in use today.
However, the Unicode Roadmap does show 48 code points (from U+108B0 to U+108DF) blocked for Proto-Sinaitic. This gives hope that the Unicode Consortium will come to its senses and fill this gaping hole in the universal text encoding standard soon. Proposals for adding Proto-Sinatic have been made by Michael Everson (1998) and Anshuman Pandey (2019).

A more detailed, commented version of the information on this page is available here: Evolution of the alphabet (with comments).

Development of the Latin alphabet

Archaic Latin 600 BC A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Z
Old Latin 230 BC A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X
Classical Latin 50 BC A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z
Modern Latin 1550 AD A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Lower-case letters

Minuscule a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

The predecessors of our lower-case letters (minuscule) existed already in Roman antiquity, as Old Roman or Latin cursive handwriting was in use by around 350 BC. Handwriting continued to develop into New Roman cursive which resembled many modern letter forms by 350 AD already. Lower-case letters become historically relevant as Carolingian minuscule when they were developed as the calligraphic standard for the chancellery of emperor Charlemagne.

Alphabet evolution table

Unicode Unicode Unicode Unicode Unicode
Symbol Code
Name Symbol Code
Name Symbol Code
Name Symbol Code
Name Symbol Code
Egyptian hieroglyphs (Egyp) Phoenician (Phnx) Greek (Grek) Old Italic (Ital) Latin (Latn)
𓃾 130FE Egyptian hieroglyph F001 𐤀 10900 Phoenician letter alf Α 0391 Greek capital letter alpha 𐌀 10300 Old Italic letter a A 0041 Latin capital letter A
𓉐 13250 Egyptian hieroglyph O001 𐤁 10901 Phoenician letter bet Β 0392 Greek capital letter beta 𐌁 10301 Old Italic letter be B 0042 Latin capital letter B
𓌙 13319 Egyptian hieroglyph T014 𐤂 10902 Phoenician letter gaml Γ 0393 Greek capital letter gamma 𐌂 10302 Old Italic letter ke C 0043 Latin capital letter C
G 0047 Latin capital letter G
𓉿 1327F Egyptian hieroglyph O031 𐤃 10903 Phoenician letter delt Δ 0394 Greek capital letter delta 𐌃 10303 Old Italic letter de D 0044 Latin capital letter D
𓀠 13020 Egyptian hieroglyph A028 𐤄 10904 Phoenician letter he Ε 0395 Greek capital letter epsilon 𐌄 10304 Old Italic letter e E 0045 Latin capital letter E
𓌉 13309 Egyptian hieroglyph T003 𐤅 10905 Phoenician letter wau Ϝ 03DC Greek letter digamma 𐌅 10305 Old Italic letter ve F 0046 Latin capital letter F
Υ 03A5 Greek capital letter upsilon 𐌖 10316 Old Italic letter u V 0056 Latin capital letter V
Y 0059 Latin capital letter Y
U 0055 Latin capital letter U
W 0057 Latin capital letter W
𓍿 1337F Egyptian hieroglyph V013 𐤆 10906 Phoenician letter zai Ζ 0396 Greek capital letter zeta 𐌆 10306 Old Italic letter ze Z 005A Latin capital letter Z
𓉗 13257 Egyptian hieroglyph O006 𐤇 10907 Phoenician letter het Η 0397 Greek capital letter eta 𐌇 10307 Old Italic letter he H 0048 Latin capital letter H
𓎛 1339B Egyptian hieroglyph V028
𓄤 13124 Egyptian hieroglyph F035 𐤈 10908 Phoenician letter tet Θ 0398 Greek capital letter theta 𐌈 10308 Old Italic letter the
𓂝 1309D Egyptian hieroglyph D036 𐤉 10909 Phoenician letter yod Ι 0399 Greek capital letter iota 𐌉 10309 Old Italic letter i I 0049 Latin capital letter I
J 004A Latin capital letter J
𓂧 130A7 Egyptian hieroglyph D046 𐤊 1090A Phoenician letter kaf Κ 039A Greek capital letter kappa 𐌊 1030A Old Italic letter ka K 004B Latin capital letter K
𓋿 132FF Egyptian hieroglyph S039 𐤋 1090B Phoenician letter lamd Λ 039B Greek capital letter lambda 𐌋 1030B Old Italic letter el L 004C Latin capital letter L
𓈖 13216 Egyptian hieroglyph N035 𐤌 1090C Phoenician letter mem Μ 039C Greek capital letter mu 𐌌 1030C Old Italic letter em M 004D Latin capital letter M
𓆓 13193 Egyptian hieroglyph I010 𐤍 1090D Phoenician letter nun Ν 039D Greek capital letter nu 𐌍 1030D Old Italic letter en N 004E Latin capital letter N
𓊽 132BD Egyptian hieroglyph R011 𐤎 1090E Phoenician letter semk Ξ 039E Greek capital letter xi 𐌎 1030E Old Italic letter esh
Χ 03A7 Greek capital letter chi 𐌗 10317 Old Italic letter eks X 0058 Latin capital letter X
𓁹 13079 Egyptian hieroglyph D004 𐤏 1090F Phoenician letter ain Ο 039F Greek capital letter omicron 𐌏 1030F Old Italic letter o O 004F Latin capital letter O
Ω 03A9 Greek capital letter omega
𓂋 1308B Egyptian hieroglyph D021 𐤐 10910 Phoenician letter pe Π 03A0 Greek capital letter pi 𐌐 10310 Old Italic letter pe P 0050 Latin capital letter P
𓎤 133A4 Egyptian hieroglyph V033 𐤑 10911 Phoenician letter sade Ϻ 03FA Greek capital letter san 𐌑 10311 Old Italic letter she
Ͳ 0372 Greek capital letter archaic sampi
𓎗 13397 Egyptian hieroglyph V024 𐤒 10912 Phoenician letter qof Ϙ 03D8 Greek capital letter archaic koppa 𐌒 10312 Old Italic letter ku Q 0051 Latin capital letter Q
Φ 03A6 Greek capital letter phi 𐌘 10318 Old Italic letter phe
Ψ 03A8 Greek capital letter psi 𐌙 10319 Old Italic letter khe
𓁶 13076 Egyptian hieroglyph D001 𐤓 10913 Phoenician letter rosh Ρ 03A1 Greek capital letter rho 𐌓 10313 Old Italic letter er R 0052 Latin capital letter R
𓐮 1342E Egyptian hieroglyph AA032 𐤔 10914 Phoenician letter shin Σ 03A3 Greek capital letter sigma 𐌔 10314 Old Italic letter es S 0053 Latin capital letter S
𓏴 133F4 Egyptian hieroglyph Z009 𐤕 10915 Phoenician letter tau Τ 03A4 Greek capital letter tau 𐌕 10315 Old Italic letter te T 0054 Latin capital letter T
𐌚 1031A Old Italic letter ef

A more detailed, commented version of the information on this page is available here: Evolution of the alphabet (with comments).

The information on this page is largely based on the works of William Albright, Brian Edric Colless, Alan Gardiner, Orly Goldwasser, Hubert Grimme, Harald Haarmann, Gordon J. Hamilton and Theodor Nöldeke.