Recipes – Rezepte



Eggs 4 (separated)
Sugar 200 g
Butter or margarine (soft) 250 g
Plain flour 250 g
Vanilla sugar 5 ml
Baking powder 2 ml
Mandarin oranges 500 g

In a small bowl beat egg whites with some sugar until creamy. In a large bowl cream the butter / margarine. Add remaining sugar, egg yolks, vanilla sugar, flour and baking powder. Add egg whites to other ingredients and mix until smooth and yellow in colour. Spread mixture on baking paper lined baking tray (our tray is approximately 32 cm × 38 cm). Press mandarin segments into cake.

Bake at 175 °C for 30 minutes or until golden (takes 20 minutes in my oven.

Icing sugar 250 g
Lemon juice

Add lemon juice to icing sugar until smooth. Ice once cake has cooled.

Turkey Mandarin Casserole

(Tastes best when prepared the night before)

From Tante Herma

Turkey breast 2 large
Mushrooms (in a can or jar) 250–300 g
Mandarins 175 g
Onion soup mix 1 package (makes 750 ml soup)
Sour cream (10 % fat) 200–250 g
Cream (30 % fat) 200–250 g
Salt, pepper, curry to taste

Cut the turkey into small pieces. Season with salt, pepper and curry. Place in greased casserole dish. Cover with mushrooms, mandarins and the onion soup mix. Mix soured cream and cream together. Pour over turkey mixture ensuring everything is covered. Refrigerate overnight.

Preheat oven to 200 °C (normal oven) or 180 °C (fan oven). Bake uncovered for 45 minutes (normal oven) or for 30 to 40 minutes (fan oven). Wait 10 minutes before serving.

Chipper Muffins

Trockene Zutaten
Mehl 275 g
Zucker 160 g
Kakao 30 g
Backpulver 10 g
Schoko-Tröpfchen 200 g
Vanillezucker 1 Päckchen
Nasse Zutaten
Ei (Größe L) 1 Stück
Pflanzenöl 75 ml
Fettarme Milch (1,5 % Fett) 250 ml

Alle trockenen Zutaten in einer großen Schüssel mischen. Die nassen Zutaten in einer kleinen Schüssel zusammenrühren. Dann die nasse Mischung zur trockenen hinzugeben und umrühren. Die fertige Mischung in Papier-Backförmchen füllen und in eine Muffin-Backform setzen.

Backzeit: 12 Minuten bei 195 °C im vorgeheizten Backofen.


Option 1: Reichlich für 3 Personen
Butter (für 20 s bei 1000 W in der Mikrowelle zerlassen) 30 g
Zucker 40 g
Ei 3 Stück
Fettarme Milch (1,5 % Fett) 750 ml
Mehl 500 g
Option 2: Ausreichend für 2 Personen
Butter (für 20 s bei 1000 W in der Mikrowelle zerlassen) 15 g
Zucker 20 g
Ei 1 Stück
Fettarme Milch (1,5 % Fett) 375 ml
Mehl 250 g

Zutaten in einer Schüssel mit Handmixer verrühren, dann portionsweise in ein Waffeleisen geben.